
Monthly Archives: April 2011

iPad, arte y creatividad: dramaturgia interactiva y estudios móviles

(Translated to English) Last week I had about possible alternative uses of the iPhone in relation to art and creativity . I introduced how the new features of iPad 2 have led to a restructuring mental users, making a sort of flourish and lateral thinking, somehow, honoring and justifying Apple that famous slogan, "Think Different".

iPad, arte y creatividad: dramaturgia interactiva y estudios móviles2018-09-09T22:14:59+00:00

It’s 1967 again! Ellen’s back with a great GarageBand Beatles cover

Remember we mentioned that Ellen was working on a full iPad GarageBand production? Well here it is! 'Hello, Goodbye' is a Beatles cover recorded entirely in GarageBand for iPad. The video, all shot on an iPhone 4 using the brilliant 8mm Vintage Camera app, is both fun and informative. Thanks again Ellen and Dre, we

It’s 1967 again! Ellen’s back with a great GarageBand Beatles cover2018-09-09T22:14:59+00:00


This stuff is making me fat it's so addicting.  I have had it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the last 3 days.  Nutella on rice cakes (plural) are awesome.  Now, if I could only get back to the gym I may be ok.  In other news working on a new video this week.  Just


There’s an App for That: iPod/iPad 101

One musician and her iPad.  In response to her family’s take that the iPod/iPad was only for play or fun, Ellen created this video.  She recorded the  video with her iPhone 4 Pro Camera.  More information about her story and the apps she used can be found on her blog Read more @ Download the (.pdf)

There’s an App for That: iPod/iPad 1012018-09-09T22:15:01+00:00

Ellen Once Again fala sobre fazer musica no iPad (Interview)

Ellen is a singer/songwriter and musician from Texas (US). Though she has been involved with music since the age of 12, only recently she decided to invest in her musical career.  Andre (her husband and gadget addicted) introduced Ellen to the iPad.

Ellen Once Again fala sobre fazer musica no iPad (Interview)2018-09-09T22:15:01+00:00

Ellen Once Again, spreading the GarageBand love

We must admit, when we first saw what GarageBand for the iPad could do, we just knew that Ellen Hinton (Ellen Once Again) would be one of the first to put it to good use. While Ellen isn't quite finished on her first full iPad 2 and GarageBand productions, she's been kind enough to share

Ellen Once Again, spreading the GarageBand love2018-09-09T22:15:01+00:00