
Monthly Archives: December 2011

BackPocket Mag

How would you describe your musical style?  One part vintage, two parts bubbly with a shot of pop soul. When did you start recording and what inspired you to get into the musical business?  I’ve always loved music.  I started recording a few years ago to package all of my thoughts and ideas.  Writing for

BackPocket Mag2018-09-09T22:14:57+00:00

Life is a song

Making some music at this Awesome local coffeeshop, "Opening Bell."

Life is a song2018-09-09T22:14:57+00:00

Great App

Downloaded Diner Dash today.  This game is so addicting!  I secretly feel sad when people lose hearts and leave, but I get over it :-)

Great App2018-09-09T22:14:57+00:00


  Had the best chocolate smoothie after I performed Saturday.  I think it had a lot of caffeine.  I just felt like spinning in circles..  That's why I will never understand coffee.
