
Monthly Archives: May 2019

Wanna Be Me

Hey Guys! I want to share my song with you! Wanna Be Me This song is about self identity and coming into your own freedom. It’s dedicated to anyone who has every been told to play it safe and live inside the box. So let's break all the rules and we'll do our own thing!

Wanna Be Me2019-05-31T20:40:33+00:00

Downtown Sessions McCall Plaza (Plano, Texas)

Hey guys! If you are in the area and want to hear some of my groovy tunes as well as some of my new songs, please swing by and say hello! McCall Plaza - April 26th @ 8:00pm For more information visit: https://plano.gov/2746/McCall-Plaza

Downtown Sessions McCall Plaza (Plano, Texas)2019-05-04T08:15:05+00:00

Deep Ellum Arts Festival 2019 April 5-7

Hey guys! If you are in the area and want to hear some of my groovy tunes as well as some of my new songs, please swing by and say hello! Time: 12:00-12:40 pm on Saturday, April 6th on the Deep Ellum Radio Artist’s Court stage. For more information visit: http://deepellumartsfestival.com/  

Deep Ellum Arts Festival 2019 April 5-72019-05-04T08:13:47+00:00