
About ellen

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So far ellen has created 77 blog entries.

Pop and Indies

Thanks for the love Pops and Indies http://elefantebu.tumblr.com/post/115813092159 ELLEN ONCE AGAIN The Texas Ellen Once Again features pop light and fun, but comgrande sound quality By Djenane Arraes There are times when we are faced with that deliciously pop sound and are surprised that it was not the radio who presented, or the highest rated vehicles. This

Pop and Indies2018-09-09T22:14:47+00:00

Deep Ellum Love

  Met so many awesome people today! <3 <3

Deep Ellum Love2018-09-09T22:14:47+00:00


Happy Friday! Enjoy this beautiful day


Deep Ellum Arts Festival

Great food & music. I can't wait!! Join me next Sunday April 5th at 4pm on the Deep Ellum Stage 

Deep Ellum Arts Festival2018-09-09T22:14:47+00:00

Glee’s Tribute

Whoa! Glee played my song, "I Do" for their wedding tribute promo spot. Check it out! ❤️ https://youtu.be/kBo4NqYJQ4c

Glee’s Tribute2015-09-10T04:35:07+00:00

new music

In the studio working on new music!!

new music2018-09-09T22:14:50+00:00

EllenOnceAgain on Pandora

http://www.pandora.com/ellen-once-again Hey guys, If you listen to Pandora feel free to add me to your personalized radio station. Happy Tuesday!!

EllenOnceAgain on Pandora2018-09-09T22:14:50+00:00

Pink Wall

Photographer: Tal Campbell

Pink Wall2015-01-28T21:02:55+00:00