My Blog

Earbits Radio

Thanks for the love in your newsletter, Earbits!! These guys rock! ♥ "If you haven't heard of Ellen Once Again, it's time that we did you a solid - you have been missing out. A Texas-based Singer-Songwriter with a gift for entertaining, Ellen Once Again has written some songs that are sure to stand out

Earbits Radio2018-09-09T22:14:52+00:00

Texas Allergies

Texas weather has been kicking my butt for the last couple of days.  I hate those allergies where it feels like tiny needles are attacking the back of your throat!  How do you make it stop?!

Texas Allergies2013-05-14T12:56:43+00:00

Spreading The Love on Oxygen

I'm so excited!!! Oxygen's The Untold Stories of Motherhood - part of the I'm Having Their Baby series is using "Spreading The Love" in their docu-short.  I'm One Happy Chic!!

Spreading The Love on Oxygen2018-09-09T22:14:52+00:00


Just one of those days


Support your local artists!

Had a great time at ArtLoveMagic's Art and Coffee @Buzzbrews!! Thanks to all my cool friends who came to hang out and to Anthony Harris for the awesome artwork! Support you local artist :-)

Support your local artists!2018-09-09T22:14:52+00:00