Art from the Heart
Awesome art by Anthony Harris ♥
Awesome art by Anthony Harris ♥
I had the honor of performing at the Ride: Well Art Benefit and it was amazing! Live Music, awesome art and artist - all for a great cause! Check them out here
Attempting to cook healthy today. Resisting Cold Stone icecream cravings.
Hey guys, thought I'd share my fanpage link. A couple of friends couldn't find it via search (working on it). Facebook has a strict policy about changing page names after it gets to a certian point. Its EllenOnceAgain all together.... One long word just like Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious :-)
Playing a few tunes at Pass the mic at Buzzbrews Kitchen
We're all counting on you...Don't let us down
hmmm.....I'd just do it
So true