My Blog

Spreading The Love

So delighted and thankful! My song "Spreading The Love" will be played on Women of Substance Radio throughout February on their "Love Songs for Valentines" show! Tune in here to listen :-)                                                 

Spreading The Love2012-02-02T01:13:19+00:00

Upcoming Shows

So i'll be Spreading The Love in song in February.  So excited, hope to see you there :-) Wed Feb 8 Crown and Harp Pub    1914 Greenville Ave,   Dallas, Tx Mon Feb 13 The Opening Bell (Songwriter in the Round)   1409 S Lamar St.   Dallas, Tx Tue  Feb 21 The Bean

Upcoming Shows2015-02-19T07:03:51+00:00

Pickin’ Awesome

Wow, found this mosaic of Jimi Hendrix made from 5000 guitar picks- Awesome!  Time consuming, but Awesome :-) The Artwork was created by artist Ed Chapman and auctioned at Abby Road Studios.

Pickin’ Awesome2012-01-25T16:03:07+00:00

Now on Pandora

"Ellen Once Again"  is now on Pandora, woohoo!!  Be sure to add me :-)

Now on Pandora2018-09-09T22:14:57+00:00

RIP Etta James

RIP Miss Etta James.  Your music will live and inspire forever

RIP Etta James2012-01-22T18:25:01+00:00

BackPocket Mag

How would you describe your musical style?  One part vintage, two parts bubbly with a shot of pop soul. When did you start recording and what inspired you to get into the musical business?  I’ve always loved music.  I started recording a few years ago to package all of my thoughts and ideas.  Writing for

BackPocket Mag2018-09-09T22:14:57+00:00

Life is a song

Making some music at this Awesome local coffeeshop, "Opening Bell."

Life is a song2018-09-09T22:14:57+00:00

Great App

Downloaded Diner Dash today.  This game is so addicting!  I secretly feel sad when people lose hearts and leave, but I get over it :-)

Great App2018-09-09T22:14:57+00:00


  Had the best chocolate smoothie after I performed Saturday.  I think it had a lot of caffeine.  I just felt like spinning in circles..  That's why I will never understand coffee.
