Dress for the job you want
I totally agree
I totally agree
Hilarious....I like Michael Buble' and thought this was a great rendition of his song "Just Haven't Met You Yet." Watched one of his interviews and apparently he does too.
So my oven when Kaboom this week and I don't know why. I'm having to improvise with the gluten free foods and cooking this week. Oh well, here are some gluten-free snacks that I like that don't require an oven.
That's bananas! Man dressed as a banana attacks man dressed as gorilla outside Wireless Center Police in Ohio are searching for a violent banana they say attacked a man dressed as a gorilla. Authorities said a man dressed up in a banana costume jumped the mascot for the Wireless Center last week, Fox
Today I want to introduce you to my Chick Pick, an amazing gal named Ellen Hinton otherwise known as EllenOnceAgain. Ellen has a beautiful voice which immediately pulled me in, but the ultra cool thing about Ellen is...
I guess i'm not the only one who likes this stuff. I found all types of Nutella desserts, Nutella chicken (???) and (drumroll) a Nutella cookbook. Looks like I'll be cooking with Nutella this weekend :)
So I wrote this song Chasing Rainbows a while back about chasing your dreams. Well, I took a huge risk today. I decided that I'm not going back to my full-time job this year, the same job that I've gone to everyday since college. I have decided to pursue music full-time and not just make
Woah! When did this start.. I'm seeing this everywhere now. So out of the loop. Ha!
Text produced and originally published by MusicApps.com.br blog. (Source: http://musicapps.com.br/2011/06/top-5-ellen-once-again/#axzz1QbMkJTSn ) Since we spoke earlier about the Once Again Ellen and she is always making great videos with music for iOS apps, nothing better than knowing what her favorite titles for the iPhone and music on the iPad. I asked Ellen to send us her current favorites. Check the annotated list. Ellen: There are so many great
Many of you have got in touch to let us know how much you enjoy the videos that we often feature. We certainly find it inspiring to see how others use the iPad to creative content both weird and wonderful. When you see for yourself what is possible using an iPad and just a handful