Web Design Articles2016-01-27T09:39:54+00:00
  • Something Good Cover

Something Good

Hello everyone! I am so excited to share the release of my new single "Something Good" available everywhere. This song is to inspire all of us to keep working hard and reaching toward the finish

Ellen Once Again Live 7/29

I'm so excited to perform at The Regal Room hosted by The Independent Bar & Kitchen this upcoming Saturday. If you're

I Believe In Summer

This song is about summer fun, love and getting away to appreciate those special moments. I am so excited about

Call The Doctor Feat. on Hand of God

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BNKJVDlQps Just found out that Amazon's Hand of God used my song "Call The Doctor" in Episode 6 of Season 1. It made my day! I used to sit at my desk and dream about making music but it seemed so impossible. I'm starting to see that its not impossible.

The Ghosty Awards

Such an honor to be nominated for an award in the Ghost of Blind Lemon - Ghosty Awards! I would love it if you would vote ‪#‎ellenonceagain‬ and also vote for my amazing friends too.  Happy Wednesday! http://www.ghostofblindlemon.com/2015/09/voting-ballot-for-the-1st-annual-ghosty-awards/

Birthday love

Woke up today feeling so grateful for another birthday. Another year around the sun that I got to spend with family and friends, and do what I love. Thank you guys for spending it with me ❤

Change Is Here

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aVPB-w0c38 New song alert! This song is called "Change Is Here." I wrote it to remind myself that even though there is so much craziness going on in the world, Change is coming...and it is here! Hope it inspires you to get out there and change something for the better!

Monday Motivation

Happy Monday! Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too.

FW Star

Hey!!! A friend sent us this pic from the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Thanks for the love ❤

Good Vibes

Sending "Good Vibes" your way. This song is dedicated to everyone who appreciates the good vibes that summer love brings. Good Vibes EP is now available at your favorite digital service provider! Visit https://ellenonceagain.com/links for more info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi2HcYgbkok&width=600

Wanna Be Me

Hey Guys! I want to share my song with you! Wanna Be Me This song is about self identity and coming into your own freedom. It’s dedicated to anyone who has every been told to play it safe and live inside the box. So let's break all the rules and

Let’s Work Together


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