Web Design Articles2016-01-27T09:39:54+00:00

Art & Seek Highlights Ellen Once Again

Art&Seek is highlighting new music from North Texas every Thursday. Click above to hear me talk with North Texas singer/songwriter Ellen Once Again for our new Music Minute, which airs on KERA FM and KXT

Music Monday

Happy Music Monday!! So honored to have my music mentioned in the amazing Ghost of Blind Lemon blog. Check it

Love Myself

Hey Guys! Today my new EP, Love Myself, is officially released! You can now purchase it on Bandcamp or iTunes,

EllenOnceAgain on Pandora

http://www.pandora.com/ellen-once-again Hey guys, If you listen to Pandora feel free to add me to your personalized radio station. Happy Tuesday!!

Bringing In The New Year

Hey guys, I Do was placed on ABC's Manhattan Love Story Season1. So honored, it's the perfect way to end the year! Very cute and quirky scene, Check it out and hopefully it makes you smile. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOyFqUXB64I


Thanks for making us #1 on the Indie charts today. You guys rock! http://www.reverbnation.com/ellenonceagain  

2018 Ready

So excited for you 2018!! Feeling very hopeful...Happy New Year

Spotify 2017 Wrapped

Wow 2017 has been a crazy year. Moving, toddlers, and just life in general kept me so busy. One thing that I'm so thankful for are you guys. Thanks so much for listening, sharing, commenting and for the encouragement and support. I'm already planning my goals for 2018. Hint- it

Let’s Work Together


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