Web Design Articles2016-01-27T09:39:54+00:00

Tuesday Inspiration

Happy Tuesday! Do something today that gets you closer to your dreams ????

I Do on Dance Moms

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP8Ha3LLfp8 Thanks to Lifetime show Dance Moms for dancing to my song "I Do."  What an awesome feeling!

Neon Lights

Jamming with Josh Goode for the Dallas RAW Glimpse show!!  

Oh Baby

  As I continue on this music journey I start another. 19 weeks and counting. Slowly losing sight of my toes 🙂

Appetizer Radio

Thanks so much to Appetizer radio for adding Spreading The Love to their Treasure Trove Menu! Check Them Out!! http://blog.appetizerradio.com/2013/06/treasure-trove-menu/

Papercut Magazine

We're one of the featured artist in Papercut Magazine's BON ANNIV3RSAIRE ISSUE!! Woohooo! Check it out!! http://issuu.com/papercutmag/docs/issuu?e=1709220%2F3638591

Music Monday

Happy Music Monday!! So honored to have my music mentioned in the amazing Ghost of Blind Lemon blog. Check it out and don’t forget to‪ Spread the Love today. #LoveMyself http://www.ghostofblindlemon.com/2016/06/spreading-the-love-this-music-monday/

Love Myself

Hey Guys! Today my new EP, Love Myself, is officially released! You can now purchase it on Bandcamp or iTunes, stream it on Spotify, and find it at most other digital retailers. A lot of love and hard work went into this record. I invited my friends and family to

Let’s Work Together


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