These late nights are catching up with me. I am constantly in a dazed state due to lack of sleep, but it's so worth it. I love working on music. I just posted my first video a week ago and got almost 15k views which is crazy compared to what I had last week… I am excited to be recording another video very soon. I have this fun crazy idea that's, all over the place now but it should be cool when it comes together.
I'm glad that I decided to post the video and make it public. I almost let the fear-monster get in the way, but I felt like I should just do it. So hopefully these ramblings can inspire you like some of your blogs, comments, kind words have inspired me. If you have a passion/dream, go for it. In the words of Tony Little or from the movie, The Waterboy (whichever you remember best), You Can Do It!