What does the musician of the 21st century look like? This is one of the most important questions we have to answer, to know what the conservatory should look like within, let’s say, 20 years. Working as a dean at the ArtEZ-conservatory, this question keeps me awake day and night. Last week we started a discussion at our conservatory and at twitter (#m21e), which leads to some interesting results. I invite the readers of this blog to get involved in the discussion at twitter. On this blog I will keep my readers informed about the discussion.
Under influence of new technologies, more people are now able to make music without any music education. One of my colleagues, head of the Artez-Popacademy , and a very talented guitarplayer, Davy de Wit, sent me some interesting video’s:
Ellen Hinton made with a MIDI-interface and several iPad-applications of mashup of her favourite songs.
And also this video on which the band Atomic Tom makes music on Iphones is worth looking at:
‘The fact that, thanks to the new technology, more and more people able to make music without any music education can only be a good sign.The sign that music is a universal language and could be played from anyone that has something to say.’ Manolo Remiddi from Italy, a computer music professor, wrote me today.
(to be continued)
Posted By: Ella Hueting